Simulate forward-in-time genetic evolution in a spatially explicit, individual-based stochastic simulator
Once you have finished defining your additional elements, you have to link them with the framework to be able to use them in a simulation run. For that, you will have to actually write a real program (or modify the existing one). Therefore, you have to add a main() function somewhere in your code, compile it and link it against the nemo framework.
Here is how to write the main() function (in a main.cpp file):
Compile and link your project:
The commands above assume that the library libnemo2.0.dylib (or .so, or .dll, depending on the system) is on your path. Otherwise, give the path to the library with the -L option before -lnemo2.0 like this: g++ -o myprogram-1.0 ... -Lnemo-2.0/lib/ -lnemo2.0
Please have a look at the Makefile provided with the code release for more details.