A class to handle simulation data saving in binary format.
Definition: binarydatasaver.h:44
void add_LCE(LifeCycleEvent *event)
Add a life cycle event to the template and component lists.
Definition: basicsimulation.h:58
void add_trait(TraitPrototype *trait)
Add a trait prototype to the template and component lists.
Definition: basicsimulation.h:56
Removes all adults from the patches and randomly moves the offspring to the adults age class.
Definition: LCEmisc.h:80
Performs breeding and migration in one, migration rates are backward rates.
Definition: LCEcomposite.h:46
Implementation of the basic breeding and mating procedures, does not link to any trait.
Definition: LCEquanti.h:132
Composite LCE performing breeding, migration and viability selection all in one.
Definition: LCEcomposite.h:268
Composite LCE implementing breeding and viability selection on a given trait type.
Definition: LCEcomposite.h:214
Breeding LCE when individuals carry the Wolbachia endosymbiotic parasite.
Definition: ttwolbachia.h:192
Implementation of the basic breeding and mating procedures, does not link to any trait.
Definition: LCEbreed.h:355
A class to perform crosses within patches, implements the NC1 mating design.
Definition: LCEmisc.h:165
Dispersal event with constant dispersal rates.
Definition: LCEdisperse.h:135
Dispersal event with an evolving dispersal rate given by the "disp" trait.
Definition: LCEdisperse.h:184
Event used to notify all file handlers to update their state through the FileServices::notify() inter...
Definition: servicenotifiers.h:73
Allelic frequency initialiser for the DBMI trait.
Definition: ttbdmi.h:299
Set patch-specifiec initial genotypes values.
Definition: ttneutralgenes.h:528
Randomly removes individuals from the patches according to the extinction rate parameter.
Definition: LCEmisc.h:104
Set patch-specifiec initial genotypes values.
Definition: LCEquanti.h:40
Set patch-specifiec initial genotypes values.
Definition: LCEquanti.h:75
Regulates the patches to their carrying capacity, acts on each age class separately.
Definition: LCEmisc.h:51
A class to change the size of the population/patches during a simulation.
Definition: LCEmisc.h:222
Definition: LCEdisperse.h:162
Base class performing (viability) selection on an arbitrary trait.
Definition: LCEselection.h:51
Initiates the StatServices' parameters (log time) when registering, calls StatServices::notify() when...
Definition: servicenotifiers.h:161
void build_allParams()
Clears and fills the _allParams list with the ParamSet's of the simulation components.
Definition: basicsimulation.cc:116
Prototype class of the bitstring-deleterious mutations trait class.
Definition: ttdeletmutations_bitstring.h:171
Prototype of the evolving dispersal trait, defines the sex-specific trait type.
Definition: ttdispersal.h:119
Prototype class for the TTNeutralGenes trait class.
Definition: ttneutralgenes.h:164
Definition: ttquanti.h:113
Prototype of the Wolbachia trait.
Definition: ttwolbachia.h:115
Definition: types.h:37
Definition: types.h:37